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Speckled wood butterfly resting on leaves

Male speckled wood butterflies try to control a woodland glade as territory, and fight off other males as they approach. If there are no other speckled woods around, they prefer to rest in the sun. A small garden with lots of trees and bushes makes a good substitute for a woodland glade.

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Strange sheep

This mechanical sculpture by Andy Plant should be a better known sight in Wolverhampton city centre.

Every hour, just after the top of the hour, it performs the routine videoed here on the Art Gallery balcony overlooking Lichfield Street.

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Bees feeding

First a bumble bee and then a honey bee busily remove nectar from this flower.

Watch out for a small beetle on the blossom on the lower left of the picture in this video.

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Tortoiseshell butterfly

This butterfly feeding on a dandelion was my first go at doing video. As such, it is a good demonstration that hand-held close-ups at maximum zoom give a very shaky result.

Below is a still of the same individual at rest.
