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Berlin interlude – the Zoo

Trying to improve my video skills by practicing on zoo animals.

Featuring polar bears, hippos, including the zoo’s most latest star, a recently-born hippo, pelicans and kangaroos.

Our closest relatives among the great apes also put in an appearance, behind glass sadly: gorillas, chimps and the zoo’s fascinating bonobo family.

The herons which appear are free loaders. There is at least one heronry in the trees growing in the zoo, and probably several in the nearby Tiergarten. The herons descend on the zoo to try to grab the fish which the keepers are distributing as food for the pelicans and other zoo birds.

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Slo-mo video of wasp eating

Something else I tried out for the first time: the high speed movie mode on my camera. This is of a wasp eating on an ivy flower.

Hopefully the picture quality will improve with practice. But even on a first try I was stunned watching the segments of the insect’s abdomen moving in relation to one another, and the way the antennae waved around.

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Eyed ladybird cleaning

A ladybird cleaning its legs and mouth parts. A couple of aphids also walk insouciantly by.

The ladybird is not the twelve spot species claimed in the closing titles of the video: corrected identification is as the title says.