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Horizontal spider’s web

Horizontal spider web

This small web was (more or less) horizontal in the long grass of Barley Field in the Smestow Valley LNR.

The heavy dew showed it was built up of a complex network of filaments, not the traditional radial and concentric circles pattern.

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Clovers, red, white and bud

Clover just about to flower

This clover, just about to open, was pictured in the early morning after a heavy dew.

Red clover flower

No dew visible on these two open flowers, though they were taken at the same time and place.

White clover flower

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Shaggy parasol clump

Shaggy parasols

One of the largest mushroom species which can be seen locally, and quite common. These are fairly mature specimens. The roughness on the cap which gives the species its name is not always so pronounced.

Shaggy parasols

Shaggy parasols

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Horse mushrooms

Horse mushroom

These were big mushrooms similar to the field mushroom, so they were probably horse mushrooms. I couldn’t get up very close to check, so they could have been another related species. Some of these are poisonous.

Horse mushroom

They were growing just over the wall from Tettenhall Road in the grounds of Linden House (the former Masonic Hall).

Horse mushroom

Horse mushroom