
Hungry male blackbird

Hungry male blackbird

Male blackbird hunting for food on a patch of ground with short grass by the canal towpath at Penkridge. Recent rain had left the soil damp, so the bird was finding rich pickings.


Daffodils, early February, after rain

Daffodil, early February, after rain

Daffodils opening or already open at the start of the month. Heavy rain earlier had left the flowers with lots of drops of water, but the sun had come out for a while when I got these pictures.


Parakeet nest-hole, Crowther Road Wood

Parakeet nest-hole, Crowther Road Wood

Nest-hole of one (or more) of the ring-necked parakeets now resident locally. Seen from the opposite side of the canal, a highish vantage point provided by the bridge over the side arm to Victoria Wharf.

I saw the bird fly into the trees, calling loudly. It landed on one of the trees next to the one with the nest, carrying on squawking. Seconds later it went into the nest – just as I’d got my camera ready.

Nest is perhaps home to one or a pair of the birds from the small flock which hang out in the woodland on the other side of the canal, nearer to Newbridge.


Cherry blossom, end of January

Cherry flowering, end of January

Japanese cherry in a front garden, the flowers all out at the end of January.


Blue and green: magpie iridescence

Blue and green: magpie iridescence

The bright blue of the wing feathers, and the green of the tail of these magpies is due to iredescence. The colours change depending on the angle of the light.

The birds were searching for things to eat in the short grass of West Park, pausing frequently to flirt with one another.


Hint of purple: lilac crocus buds

Hint of purple: lilac crocus bud
Purple (or perhaps lilac) crocuses just before the flowers began to open. Most of these were growing in someone’s garden, right next to the pavement. The larger clump were by the canal towpath as it went through Penkridge.


Feather: swan portraits

Feather: swan portrait

One of the West Park swans, with a downy feather sticking on the side of its beak. The bird had probably just been preening.

Feather: swan portrait


Shy little grebe

Shy little grebe

Little grebe on the canal by the Wildside Activity Centre. It didn’t want to be watched, still less photographed.


East Park: rus in urbis

East Park: rus in urbis

Wintry scene in the Dell, East Park. Housing estates, scrap yards and Monmore Green Stadium are all just a few minutes walk away.

East Park: rus in urbis


Cormorant fishing, West Park

Cormorant fishing

Seconds after the last picture in the previous post the cormorant launched itself for a short flight to land on the water. A brief pause, then it disappeared as it dived after fish.

Cormorant fishing


Cormorant looking for prey

Cormorant looking for prey

West Park’s semi-resident cormorant on its favourite perch high over boating lake island, on the look out for something to eat.


Goldfinch on a buddleia twig

Goldfinch on a buddleia twig

Goldfinch pausing to look around as it stands on buddleia twigs before deciding whether it is safe to eat at a feeder on the bush.