
Not quite ready to sow

Not quite ready to sow

Wild oats: the seeds not yet completely ripe.


Large white butterfly on a nettle leaf

Large white butterfly on a nettle leaf

Large white butterfly (a.k.a. cabbage white) resting on a nettle leaf. The greenish tinge of the underwings is exaggerated here by the light reflected off the nettle.


Wild flower bed by the bridge, Ironbridge

Wild flower bed by the bridge, Ironbridge

Colourful and attractive “wildflower” bed by the bridge at Ironbridge yesterday.

The dominant flowers were California poppies – the name is a clue to their geographical origin.

There were red flax (main picture, with visiting small fly and smaller beetle) and white flax – garden varieties of the blue flowered plant cultivated as the source of linen and linseed oil.


Rosebay willowherb, bee hovering round

Rosebay willowherb, bee hovering round

In summer Turner’s Field in the Smestow Valley Nature Reserve becomes a mass of rosebay willowherb. Bees and other nectar-gathering insects love it.

Rosebay willowherb, bee hovering round


Bistort flowers: red, white and pink

Pink bistort flowers

Bistort grows in damp places. The flowers of the wild plant most often seem to be red, at least locally. The pictures here also include paler, pink and white, flowers. All are from plants growing in the same small area.

Also grown as a garden flower, which has larger, more showy pink flowers.


Large white butterflies feeding, Northycote Farm

Large white butterfly on buddleia flower

More large white butterflies, these feeding on flowers in the Sensory Garden at Northycote Farm: a buddleia and a verbena.

Large white butterfly on verbena flower