

A coot sitting on the frozen lake.

Strange sheep

This mechanical sculpture by Andy Plant should be a better known sight in Wolverhampton city centre.

Every hour, just after the top of the hour, it performs the routine videoed here on the Art Gallery balcony overlooking Lichfield Street.

Compton lock

Compton lock

The first water to freeze on this stretch of the Staffs and Worcs canal was inside the historic lock at Compton. Minutes after this first picture was taken, a narrowboat  came through and the thin ice was broken.

Compton lock

Pictures two and three were taken several days later, after the heavier snow fall. There was no sign then of ice forming over those stretches of the canal I saw.

Compton lock

Rose hips

Rose hips

These hips were still festooning a bush at the edge of the barley field in Smestow Valley Park at the end of November.

Rose bush

Frosted sloe berries

Frosted sloe berries

Yet another picture from the series taken during the recent hoar frost. The sloes are from the same bushes which have featured in posts here since the early autumn.

Frosted nettle

Frosted nettle

Another plant whose appearance is transformed by a frosty coating.

Fly agaric after the snow and ice

Fly agaric

This is the same fly agaric fruiting body which was pictured in posts in November. The present picture was taken during the brief thaw in the hard weather earlier this month.