Lumpy bracket

Lumpy bracket

Lumpy bracket fungus growing on a tree stump in Baggeridge Park. Seen from below it’s like a small labyrinth.

Lumpy bracket

The lumpy upper surface.

Young tawny grisettes

Tawny grisettes with the rounded caps of newly-grown fruiting bodies, which had probably come up overnight.

Compare the flattened caps of the more mature versions.

I thought the caps were more the range of colours of egg yolks than tawny.

Young tawny grisette

Japanese knotweed flowers

Japanese knotweed is one of the most persistent of the introduced species which have become weeds. This one was growing by the Smestow Brook.

Tawny grisettes

Tawny grisette

Tawny grisettes are a fairly common mushroom which I don’t remember ever seeing before. I’ve noticed them in several places this year.

These were growing under a birch and an oak by the footpath across Compton Rough.

All growing in one patch, so presumably all the same species.

But notice the variation in the colours of the caps.

Tawny grisette

Reed with pink flowers

Reed with pink flowers

Tall reed with pink flowers, growing at the sides of a pond near the road crossing the golf course on Penn Common.

Purple loosestrife seeds

Purple loosestrife seeds

Seeds beginning to ripen on loosestrife stalks. There’s still just a hint of the stronger purple of the flowers.

Horses, Sutton Park

Horses, Sutton Park

Some of the horses which roam loose in Sutton Park.

These were at Little Bracebridge Pool.

Horses, Sutton Park

Horses, Sutton Park



A picture with strong contrasting colours for a Monday morning – a sunflower in a front garden, with a bright blue door as the background.