
Web catching the rain

Web catching the rain

The summer has been so wet that it would be hard to get many pictures without going out on rainy days. At least that makes it easier to find spider’s webs showing up because of the water drops hanging from them. The web was in Barley Field recently.


Path becoming overgrown, Barley Field

Overgrown path, Barley Field

This used to be the main path across the Barley Field in Smestow Valley Nature Reserve. Compton Park (behind the hedge) started to be redeveloped in the spring. Now the grass is taking over the path.


Bolete on a lawn

Penny bun

The red-cracking bolete was growing on a lawn I pass when I am walking into the city centre.

Penny bun


Angelica seeds

Angelica seeds

Angelica is most often seen as green strips used to decorate cakes. This is made by candying slices of the stem. It would seem that the seeds, seen ripening here, can also be eaten – for example in pastry.


Carrion crow cleaning

Carrion crow cleaning

Carrion crow cleaning its feathers as it perches on a bare tree, looking down Richmond Road and across to Bantock Park.

Carrion crow cleaning

This was the one sunny day in mid-July.

Carrion crow cleaning

The crow’s feathers were wet as it preened itself to clean them. It must have come directly from bathing in one of the many puddles.

Carrion crow cleaning

These pictures were taken in sequence. The bird didn’t seem to be taking any notice of me as I stood not far from the tree.

Carrion crow cleaning


Ornamental poppy on a pavement

Ornamental poppy on a pavement

This poppy was growing on a pavement, right by a garden wall. Presumably it had escaped.

Ornamental poppy on a pavement


Unidentified fungus growing from a wall

Unidentified fungus growing from a wall

This fungus was growing from the junction between the pavement and the wall of a house on a side street near Chapel Ash.

Unidentified fungus growing from a wall


Blue berberis berries

Blue berberis berries

Berberis berries now well on the way to ripening. The local spiders must have been very busy the day this picture was taken.


Ripening berberis berries

Ripening berberis berries

As the berberis berries ripen they turn first from yellow to a pale pinkish purple, then to a rich blue.

Ripening berberis berries

I couldn’t decide which of these three pictures I like best.

Ripening berberis berries


Unripe berberis berries

Unripe berberis berries

An impressive crop of berberis berries beginning to ripen. Today’s posts follow the stages of ripening in a hedge I pass as I go to the shops.


Cranesbill with red stems

Cranesbill with red stems

This was growing in a paved-over front garden, so I wasn’t sure whether or not it had been deliberately planted, though the vivid red of the stem, leaves, etc., did rather suggest a cultivated variety.

Cranesbill with red stems


Lime flowers

Lime flowers

Some of the flowers had yet to open; others had done so.

Lime flowers