
Glossy black tree peony fruit

Glossy black tree peony fruit

Black gloss on the skin of tree peony fruit in a Bridgnorth front garden. The same plant as the flowers were just about to open as seen this spring.


Green/red: lichen on sandstone cliff face

Green/red: lichen on sandstone cliff face

Lichen growing on the near-vertical face of the sandstone by Lavington’s Hole in Bridgnorth, sufficiently long-established to help form a base for other plants to begin to colonise the rocky surface.


Verdigris mushrooms in roadside grass

Verdigris mushroom in roadside grass

Verdigris mushrooms have a greenish colour which looks much more like the copper patina than the surface of any healthy living thing. The greenish colour fades or gets washed away as the fungus gets older.

Verdigris mushroom in roadside grass


Lichen jungle

Lichen jungle

Lichens growing on a pondside stone. In close-up looking like a miniature exotic jungle.


Round hips

Round hips

Ripening rose hips – in this variety they looked almost spherical


Pausing on migration: wheatear

Pausing on migration: wheatear

A wheatear takes a break in the vegetation of Berry Head (at the southern end of Torbay) on its autumn migration.

The bird was off to warmer climes for the winter early last month.


Teazle seedheads, backlit, with webbing

Teazle seedhead, backlit, with webbing

Teazles growing on rough ground at the edge of Wolverhampton Science Park, heavily colonised by small spiders.

Teazle seedheads, backlit, with webbing


Tasty seaside snack for a young gull

A tasty snack

Young gull which had found the remains of a ray or similar cartilaginous fish by the shore, and was eating as much as it could before other gulls spotted the delicacy.

A tasty snack


Turnstone happy hunting grounds

Turnstone with a mussel

A couple of turnstones which had found an alternative to their usual hunting grounds on the shoreline.

One was worrying a mussel which it had found in a moored working boat in Brixham harbour.

The other was a young bird which had found there were rich pickings if it hung out on the pavement outside the chip shops on the front.


Meadowsweet seed, backlit

Meadowsweet seed, backlit

The ripening seeds on a meadowsweet growing at the edge of the canal, almost glowing in the light of the morning sun.


Michaelmas daisy, cluster of flowers

Michaelmas daisy, cluster of flowers

Michaelmas daisy flowers, brightening up autumn. These were on one of the plants growing wild on the edge of Fowlers Park and by the canal towpath.

Michaelmas daisy, cluster of flowers


A plenitude of West Park cormorant pictures

West Park cormorants

The cormorants intermittently hanging out at West Park, spending much of the time up in the top of a tree. They are such a distinctive subject I rather overdid the photos. Time I gave the subject a rest.