
Spread your wings and dry

Spread your wings and dry

Cormorant high in a tree on West Park’s boating lake island, spreading its wings out to dry its wet plumage.


Hoverfly resting on holly leaf

Hoverfly resting on holly leaf

Hoverfly which was resting on holly leaf, perhaps trying to warm itself in the December sun.


Pochard drake, West Park lake

Pochard drake, West Park lake

Lone male pochard on the lake at West Park. Whenever I notice it, it seems to have found a quiet patch away from all the other birds on the water.


This park bench is mine – robin, Bridgnorth

This park bench is mine - robin, Bridgnorth

Bold robin, facing me as it stood on a nearby park bench. Not sure if it was challenging me or asking for scraps.

The bench was the bird’s regular perch – and toilet.

This park bench is mine - robin, Bridgnorth


Purple berries: purple beautyberry

Purple berries: purple beautyberry

Fruit of a shrub, originally from the far east. One of the plants grown to bring some late autumn / winter colour to West Park.

Purple berries: purple beautyberry


Clump of tawny funnel caps

Clump of tawny funnel caps

Tawny funnel caps, quite common mushrooms with a depressed centre to their caps. Usually found popping up through leaf litter, and might be around for a few more weeks yet.


Can’t see you – two herons

Can't see you - two herons

It seems that quite often there are several herons on the small islands on West Park lake, in positions where they must be aware of one another’s presence, but apparently standing trying their best to deny that.

On this occasion there were two of them directly opposite the Conservatory. One was balanced on the protective railing, the other a little further back in the bushes.

A few minutes later, a third heron flew in. It landed on the rail on the opposite side of the island.

Can't see you - two herons


Mushroom clump, under Meccano Bridge

Mushroom clump, under Meccano Bridge

Clump of mushrooms, species unidentified, growing where the towpath meets up with the brickwork of Meccano Bridge – Staffordshire blue bricks of course.

Mushroom clump, under Meccano Bridge


Jay away, Bantock

Jay away

One of the jays at Bantock Park, making a rapid retreat back to the obscurity of a tree top.


Pecking order: two cormorants

Pecking order: two cormorants

One of the West Park cormorants was sitting at the top of their usual tree. A second bird flew in and tried to land on the nearby branch.

The first bird squawked violently, and lashed out with several bites aimed at the newcomer. After a short period, the second bird flew off again. It looked like some of the feathers on its wing might have been damaged or disarranged.

It circled the lake three times, then came in to land again. This time, it settled a little lower in the tree, perhaps a yard lower that the other bird.

Incumbent seemed to be getting ready for another go, then acceped the other’s presence now it was in a more subordinate position.


No, I’m not letting you have it

No, I'm not giving it back

West Park squirrel which was coming down the trunk of a tree, in its mouth a peanut which it had got earlier.


Fly agaric under Scots pine

Fly agaric under Scots pine

Fly agaric mushrooms grow in association with trees, almost always birch trees. This one (and several others which had been kicked over) was growing under a Scots pine, with no birches nearby.

Fly agaric under Scots pine