Fairy ring mushroom on a roadside lawn

Fairy ring mushroom

Another mushroom hiding in short grass on a lawn. This is the species most commonly found forming rings, though not here.


Sandy stiltballs, Shropshire

Sandy stiltball, Shropshire

A very rare mushroom which grows on well-drained sandy soil. I noticed some growing by a quiet lane near Bridgnorth last year.

Sandy stiltballs, Shropshire

After this summer, I half expected they wouldn’t appear this year.

I went back to the spot a few hours ago. The area was much more overgrown than it had been this time last year.

Sandy stiltball, Shropshire

But the stiltballs were, if anything, more abundant this time round.

Some had been drained of colour. These were very old ones, perhaps from last year.

Sandy stiltballs, Shropshire

Runner bean flowering

Runner bean flowering

The flowers on the end of the runner bean branch are open or yet to open. Further down, one has already shrivelled, and, right at the lower left, another has already begun to turn into a pod.

Small blue butterfly and a hoverfly feeding on a thistle

Common blue butterfly and a hoverfly feeding on a thistle

A Small Blue butterfly settled to eat on a thistle flower in the middle of a bramble patch in the field behind Compton lock a few days ago.

Common blue butterfly and a hoverfly feeding on a thistle

I couldn’t get to a position with a better angle because of the brambles, and there was a hoverfly which was feeding on the same flower, in front of the butterfly.

Common blue butterfly and a hoverfly feeding on a thistle

The blusher on a lawn

The blusher

The blusher is a toadstool which gets its name because it turns a delicate pink when it is bruised or aging.

The blusher

These were part of a group growing on the lawn of a block of flats on Compton Road at the end of last month. The species can be visible any time from late summer well into the autumn.

The blusher

Varigated nettle

Varigated nettle

This nettle was part of a small patch where all the uppermost leaves were a much paler shade of green than the rest of the plant.