
Shoveller drakes shovelling, West Park

Shoveller drake shovelling, West Park

Immature (or still in eclipse plumage) shoveller drake, swimming in a tight circle as it feeds, shovelling with its beak, on West Park lake. Further from the shore, another drake with its showier feathers.


Fly agaric mushrooms by beech hedge, Bantock Park

Fly agaric mushroom by beech hedge, Bantock Park

Some of the fly agarics growing under a beech hedge in Bantock Park recently. These distinctive mushrooms usually grow in association with birch trees. Although there were birch trees close by, but these fungi were definitely asscoiated with the beech instead.


Heron on a favoured perch, West Park

Heron on a favoured perch, West Park

Young heron on a bough of a dead and fallen tree, looking over from boating lake island towards the Conservatory.


Egyptian goose, West Park: head and shoulders portraits

Egyptian goose, West Park: head and shoulders portrait

More, closer, views of the Egyptian goose which has been in on-off residence at West Park recently. On the shore, looking out over the lake.


Lone redlead roundhead mushroom on wood chippings

Lone redlead roundhead mushroom

Redlead roundhead mushroom mushroom all alone (or perhaps a few fragments of others which had been kicked over) growing on woodchip mulch by the Severn at Bridgnorth. They were growing in profusion at the same place, this time last year.


Egyptian goose returns, West Park

Egyptian goose returns, West Park

Egyptian goose, back on the lake at West Park after a couple of weeks when there hasn’t been any sign of it. This must be the same bird which has also been seen at Dunstall Park, hanging out with greylag geese, which are also its preferred associates at West Park.