
Moorhen’s flowery meal

Moorhen's flowery meal

One of the moorhens on the Compton Park pool laboriously climbed up towards the top of a patch of bullrushes. Once it got there, it started enthusiastically eating the flowers, getting its beak and some of its feathers covered in pollen.


Pasqueflower seed head

Pasqueflower seed head

Pasqueflower seed head in a Bridgnorth garden – probably developing from one of the flowers in this post.


Swans and growing cygnets, West Park

Swans and growing cygnets, West Park

Both swan parents with the same set of cygnets featured in a post yesterday. These pictures were taken a fortnight later.

All six cygnets first seen when recently hatched were still thriving when these pictures were taken, and when I’ve been back to the park more recently.


Poached egg plant, flowers

Poached egg plant, flowers

Seeing the open flowers makes it easy to tell how the poached egg plat gets its name.

Poached egg plant, flowers


Swan and growing cygnets, West Park

Swans and growing cygnets, West Park

Parent bird and fast-growing family of cygnets on the lake at West Park. When these pictures were taken, about fopur weeks ago, the chicks were still just about at the cute and fluffy stage.


Duckling ashore and afloat, Bridgnorth

Duckling afloat

Lone duckling swimming on the Severn by the bylet at Bridgnorth, and (with the parent birds) on dry land.

Duck and duckling ashore