Is this a maple?

Maple (?)

The vivid colour of the leaves of this tree mark it out as non-native.

Maple (?)

The tree was still brightening up its corner of West Park despite the frost and snow at the end of November.

Maple (?)

Birds on a seed feeder

Video of sparrows, blue tits and a robin all using a seed feeder.

Putting some food out regularly helps many garden birds survive hard spells like the present one.

West Park bandstand in the snow

West Park bandstand

Pictures taken at the end of last November,the second one a few days after the first when more snow had fallen.

They are such wintry pictures that they seemed right for today.

Happy new year!

West Park bandstand

Heron by the towpath


This heron was fishing on the towpath side of the Staffs and Worcs canal during the hard weather at the end of November.

Although it was only a few yards from Compton bridge, it did not appear to have been disturbed for some time.

The bird carried on fishing as I got to within perhaps ten yards of it taking pictures. Only when a large group of ducks came up to see if I had food for them did it depart, flying the shortest possible distance to continue its vigil on the other bank.


Birds on a freezing canal

Swans and cygnets

Swans and cygnets, moorhens and mallards on the ice or the remaining open water on the Staffs and Worcs canal near Compton recently.




Mallards on a frozen canal

Mallards on a frozen canal

Mallards on a frozen canal



Little grebes have returned to the Staffs and Worcs canal like they do every winter.


Even in the hard period when most of the canal froze over, they managed to find enough open water to carry on fishing.

