Delph locks

Delph locks

View down the flight of locks at Delph, taken from the road bridge at Mill Street, up the hill from the Merry Hill Centre.

A duck had just landed in the top pool, and immediately began to swim away from the centre of the ripples created by its landing.

Honeysuckle in a hedgerow flowering

Honeysuckle flowering

This honeysuckle was so abundant that it looked like it formed a bush itself.

Honeysuckle flowering

The elaborate flowers perhaps point to it being an escaped cultivated type, but it was some distance from any garden.

Rosebud beginning to open

Rosebud beginning to open

The bud has barely begun to open, but already the weather has taken its toll on what will shortly by the tip of the petals.

Poppies in a rape field

Poppies in a rape field

These poppies and the field they were in were conveniently at eye level.

Poppies in a rape field

A honey bee is visiting the most prominent flower here.

Poppies in a rape field

The previous night’s rain seemed to have knocked pollen off and plastered it in clumps along the bottom of the cup formed by the petals.

Male Beautiful Demoiselle Damsel Fly

Male Beautiful Demoiselle Damsel Fly

Several were flying and interacting over the river Worfe on the edge of Worfield. I thought they were engaging in courtship flights until I checked and found they were all male.

This was the only one which rested close enough to take its picture.

Worfield church and caves

Worfield church

The church at Worfield. Seen from the minor road approaching the village from the east, and from the entrance to the church yard.

Worfield church

The sandstone caves below are too small to have been housing. It has been suggested that this is the location of St Peter’s well.

St Peter's well, Worfield