Shaggy parasol by a roadside

Shaggy parasol

The shaggy parasol is quite a large mushroom, but this one was almost hidden in long grass in a grassy bank at the side of the road to Pattingham.

Shaggy parasol

Water boatmen

Water boatman

They can be seen skitting over the surface of still water in ponds and pools. In fact, there are two different species. The Lesser water boatman (second picture) is indeed, as its name implies, smaller. It also looks like it is walking on the water standing upright, whereas the water boatman lies on its back an appears to use its forelegs like oars.

Water boatman

The lesser boatman is vegetarian, the boatman predates just about anything in the pond which it is big enough to catch.

Water boatman

Water boatman

Red damsel fly

Red damsel fly

This damsel fly, pictured in early July, was resting on a different leaf or rock every time it landed.

Red damsel fly

Red damsel fly

Red damsel fly

Red damsel fly

Heron on the look out

Heron on the look out

This heron was on the look out for fish on an island in one of the pools in the Warren Hall & Bumble Hole LNR. It was totally unconcerned by several anglers who were nearby.

Heron on the look out

Heron on the look out

Unripe elderberries

Unripe elderberries

At this stage the elderberries were almost blending in colour with the leaves behind them.

Unripe sloes

Unripe sloes

Lots of fruit are developing very early this year. These sloes were beginning to ripen before the end of July.

Unripe sloes