
Waterlily flowers

Waterlily flower

This pink blossom was in the pool in Hickman Park. The same flower features in both pictures.

Waterlily flower

Waterlily flower

The white flowers were on the pool which is near the footpath/cycle route connecting Fallings Park with the city centre.

Waterlily flower


Heron walking away

Heron walking away

This young heron was fishing by the Staffs & Worcs canal near the racecourse. When it saw me, it started to retreat by walking down the towpath instead of flying away.

Heron walking away

Heron walking away


White butterfly on lavender flower

White butterfly on lavender flower

This flower patch is by a path next to the river Severn in Bridgnorth, marking the site of the foundry where Richard Trevithick’s Locomotive Catch me who can was built.

White butterfly on lavender flower

White butterfly on lavender flower


Distant views of the Clees

Distant views of the Clees

Views of the Clee Hills from a mile or so east of the Severn.

Distant views of the Clees

Distant views of the Clees


Giant, not Sulfur, polypore – West Park

Sulfur polypore

This fungus formed a mound-like structure yards from the Albert Road entrance to West Park.

Sulfur polypore

CORRECTION, August 2013. This is NOT a sulfur polypore, but rather the not very similar looking giant polypore.

I was stone cold sober when I made the misidentification.

Pictures of this year’s return of the fungus to be posted soon.


Greenish frog

Greenish frog

Compare the colour to that of the frog featuring a few days ago, whose picture was taken in almost the same spot.


Lords and ladies berries

Lords and ladies berries

A common sight in hedgerows in the early autumn, a wild arum with its distinctive bright red berries on the end of an erect stalk.


Zoned polypore bracket fungus on a tree trunk

Zoned polypore bracket fungus

A large bracket fungus seen from below (top) and just about from above.

Zoned polypore bracket fungus


Some great crested grebes

Great created grebe

This bird, probably a well-grown chick, was one of a family of great created grebes on a large pool by the Marsh lane LNR in Hampton in Arden, Solihull.

Great crested grebes

This pair were on Swan Pool, Sandwell Valley, a week or so later.

Great crested grebe with a fish

One of the same pair, which has just caught a fish.

Great crested grebe chicks

The pair’s three young chicks. They are much younger than the bird in the first picture – perhaps a second brood.


Burdock flowering

Burdock flowering

The plant which inspired George de Mestral to invent Velcro.

Burdock flowering