
Haws ripe in early September

Haws ripe in early September

These haws looked like they were already completely ripe – pictured a week ago.

Haws ripe in early September


Showy spiders webs

Spider's web catching the sunlight

This spider’s web was very obvious when the sun caught it against a shadowed background.

Web in a rabbit hole

This one was less noticeable. It stretched across a rabbit hole, presumably currently unoccupied. It was in a deep shadow, but made more visible because it had caught some sand which had fallen on it.


Insects feeding on ragwort flowers

Cinnabar moth and ragged white butterfly on ragwort flowers

This clump of ragwort was proving very attractive to insects early in August. A cinnabar moth caterpillar is near to the ragged white butterfly (above) while the hoverfly (below) came along a minute or so later.

Ragwort flowers with hoverfly


Chapel Ash dawn


Looking down Darlington Street from Queens Square towards Chapel Ash, it almost looks like the former church is rising through a wood.


Keeping this illusion with a closer view meant a very careful choice of where to frame the picture.


Young coots, Birmingham canal

Young coot, Birmingham canal

There are two young coots here, swimming and eating a few yards from each other.

Young coot, Birmingham canal

They are the same birds feature in the post of August 19th
when they must have been very recently hatched.

Young coot, Birmingham canal

Young coot, Birmingham canal


Family of swans, Birmingham canal

Family of swans, Birmingham canal

This family of swans include a second adult which wouldn’t line up to get in the same shot of the others, as well as the three well-grown young seen below. They have a large territory heading out towards the junction with the Bradley arm of the canal.

Family of swans, Birmingham canal


Duck and ducklings, Birmingham canal

Duck and ducklings, Birmingham canal

Todays post feature water birds seen on a stroll along the towpath of the Birmingham canal, heading from the city centre in the direction of Birmingham, a couple of weeks ago.

Duck and ducklings, Birmingham canal

This duck and her two ducklings were in a gap in the wall above the canal a few yards from Bilston Road.

Duck and ducklings, Birmingham canal


Heather in flower on Cannock Chase

Heather in flower on Cannock Chase

From the middle of August, heathy areas like this part of Cannock Chase near Brocton,  become a mass of purple as the heather comes into flower.

Heather in flower on Cannock Chase

Heather in flower on Cannock Chase


Plums ripening

Plums ripening

By early August these plums were ripe enough to show the beginnings of the bloom on their surface.


Bagot goats at Shugborough

Bagot goat, Shugborough Park

One of the historic breeds farm animals at Shugborough Park. If these are indeed Bagot goats, they are descended from the semi-wild herd of Blithfield Hall, on the opposite side of Cannock Chase, and be of a critically endangered rare breed.

The billy is relaxing above, and the kid, below, is eating with a jackdaw seeming to mimic its actions.

Goat kid with jackdaw, Shugborough Park