
Follies of Shugborough Park: Tower of the Winds

Tower of the Winds, Shugborough Park

This is the Shugborough folly closest to the big house.

It’s modelled on a building which was in Athens. Reputedly the first floor was used as a gambling den and the ground floor as a dairy – an implausible combination


Ripening sloes: Baggeridge Country Park

Ripening sloes: Baggeridge Country Park

Sloes developing on one of the bushes in a blackthorn hedge on one side of Baggeridge Country Park.


West Park Conservatory Access all areas 2 – cacti

Access all areas 2 - cactus

Some of the magnificent cacti in the West Park Conservatory, pictured during the second event where the Conservatory was opened to photographers, back at the end of June.

Access all areas 2 - cactus

Access all areas 2 - cactus


Sandy stiltballs – a rare find

Sandy stiltball

The fungi pictured here are sandy stiltballs (Battarraea phalloides) which is a very rare fungus in Britain.

It is not in fact a conventional “toadstool” type fungus, with gills or pores under the cap for dispersing the spores. Instead, it is related to puffballs – it is a puffball on a stem.

Sandy stiltball

Its preferred habitat is sandy soil. The lighter sprinkling which can be seen on the “cap” of some of the fresher specimens is not, as I thought, sand from the soil. It is spores.

Sandy stiltball

New fruiting bodies were growing with others which seemed to be several days old.

Sandy stiltball

These more mature fruiting bodies had a more bleached appearance, as often with fungi.

Sandy stiltball

I noticed some of these fungi while cycling down a quiet country lane in south Shropshire.

Sandy stiltball

It’s only the second time sandy stiltballs have been recorded in Shropshire.

Sandy stiltball

The other known site is only a few miles away from this one.

Sandy stiltball - mature specimen

Roy Mantle, Shropshire County Recorder for Fungi, and Jefny admire one of the clumps of fruiting bodies.

Sandy stiltball

Thanks to Jefny for identifying the species, and Roy Mantle for an interesting afternoon when we went to visit the site.


Small convolvulus flower

Small convulvulus flower

This species of bindweed has small, pink-edged flowers. It is common creeping along the ground in roadside grassy verges.


Hoverfly feeding on a willowherb

Hoverfly feeding on a willowherb

This hoverfly was feeding in one of the open patches on the Saltwells LNR just over a month ago.


West Midlands Pools

Bracebridge pool

There is something soothing about large pools of still water. The more so when, like these, they are in green oases in built-up areas. Bracebridge Pool (above) is the largest stretch of water in Sutton Park, while Swan Pool (below) is the highlight of Sandwell Valley.

Swan Pool, Sandwell valley


Purple loosestrife flowering

Purple loosestrife flowering

A view back to the summer. This purple loosestrife was flowering beside the largest pool at the Pendeford Mill LNR on its annual open day at the end of July.

Purple loosestrife flowering


Butter Cross, Alveley

Butter Cross, Alveley

This is a medieval stone cross a long way outside the village on a road which just leads past a few isolated houses before circling back to the village. Noone really knows why it’s there. It looks more like a Cornish roadside cross than anything else.

Butter Cross, Alveley


Blackberries ripening

Blackberries ripening

These blackberries were showing the colours of every stage in the ripening process: from greens, through reds to the rich blue-black.

Blackberries ripening