
Red admiral butterfly feeding on ivy flower

Red admiral butterfly feeding on ivy flower

The butterfly was very cooperative in concentrating on feeding on flowers at eye level. These side views give clear views of its antennae and proboscis.

Red admiral butterfly feeding on ivy flower


Mottled dock leaf

Mottled dock leaf

The red spotted mottling, common in dock leaves, is probably due to a frequent disease which affects this plant.


Uninvited guest

A squirrel trying to eat as much as it can of some food which has been left out for birds.


Going up the pole

The Bear

It’s not wildlife, and Berkswell is quite some way from Wolverhampton, but this sign for the Bear Inn caught my eye a while back.


Plump haws

Plump haws

This particular hawthorn caught my attention because the haws were about twice the size of those on all the other bushes around.


Green fly on an ivy leaf

Green fly on an ivy leaf

The red compound eyes seem to make up a huge proportion of the total body size of this fly.


Green thistle leaves

Green thistle leaves

The leaves of this thistle, photographed a few days ago on the Cotwell End LNR, were so green they looked like new growth.


Distant views of Shropshire hills

Wrekin seen from Barrow Hill

The Wrekin, rising out of a sea of mist, seen from the top of Barrow Hill, Pensnett.

Clee Hills from Cotwell End

A view from an open point in another of Dudley’s LNRs, Cotwell End. This is looking towards the Clee Hills stretching out on the horizon.


Verdant moss on a twig

Verdant moss on a twig

A very bushy patch of moss growing on a branch spreading out over the Staffs & Worcs canal. This picture too was taken only a short distance from those featured yesterday.


Bracket fungus on willow trunk

Bracket fungus on willow trunk

There’s been very little in the way of fungi around this autumn, in what is normally the peak period for them. Most of what has been visible has been bracket fungi, often already fairly mature.

Bracket fungus on willow trunk

This specimen was growing on the sawn-off trunk of a willow. It may have been another chicken of the woods, but I couldn’t get near enough for a close look.