
Fungi on a tree stump

Fungi on a tree stump

There were at least three different types of tiny fungus growing out of this tree stump.


Red admiral butterfly feeding on ivy flower

Red admiral butterfly feeding on ivy flower

In winter, most of the colours of nature tend to be muted. A reminder of of the stronger shades which could be seen only a couple of months ago: a red admiral suns itself as it fed on an ivy flower in the middle of October.


Dudley castle from Wrens Nest

Dudley castle from Wrens Nest

Dudley castle, with Rowley Beacon peeking through behind, seen from a high viewpoint in the Wrens Nest Nature Reserve.

Dudley castle from Wrens Nest


Lichens and mosses

Lichen and moss

Burgeoning growth on the branches of one of the bushes separating the barley field from the railway walk in the Smestow Valley LNR.

Lichen and moss

Several different types of lichen as well as the feathery-looking moss. I think the cup-like structures on the yellow-green lichen may be to do with reproduction.

Lichen and moss


Meccano bridge in the mist

Meccano bridge and Tettenhall Ridge

Once again the ghost of Tettenhall ridge is visible through the mist.


Watery scenes

Packhorse bridge over the river Blythe

A heavy frost on the grass around the medieval packhorse bridge just outside Hampton in Arden.

Packhorse bridge over the river Blythe

River Blythe

A view looking down at the river Blythe from the bridge.

Pool near the river Blythe

This pool is just yards away from the bridge, and was frozen when pictured.

Packhorse bridge over the river Blythe

The nearby railway bridge over the river: views with the packhorse bridge (above) and from the packhorse bridge (below).

River Blythe


Tettenhall ridge in the mist

Misty Tettenhall ridge

Views of Tettenhall ridge from the barley field in the Smestow Valley LNR.

Misty Tettenhall ridge


Robins and more

Another go at filming a video of the customers at the bird table. The two robins which share the table early on must be a pair. They are probably also the birds which show themselves again towards the end.


Conifers by a pool

Conifers by a pool

This was the view when I turned my back on the flock of geese which was featured a few days ago.


Conifer wood

Conifer wood

At this time of year, even a wood of evergreen trees looks bare.