
Thistle flower with web

Thistle flower with web

A late-season thistle flower in the verge of a lane near Worfield last month. A spider has woven its web resting on the spikes surrounding the flower.


Virginia creeper clinging to a conifer

Virginia creeper clinging to a conifer

The bright autumn colours of a Virginia creeper. This one was clinging to a conifer in the garden of a house near to the Upper Green, Tettenhall.


Fungus round the base of a tree

Fungus round the base of a tree

Pictures are of the fungus showing its development one week after the photos here.

Fungus round the base of a tree


Mallow flower with spider

Mallow flower with spider

A small spider was crawling along the rim of this flower.


October waterlily flower, Bantock Park

October waterlily flower, Bantock Park

A single waterlily flower still blooming in the Bantock Park pond a month ago, with the autumn leaf-fall beginning to accumulate on the lily pads.


Fairies bonnets at the base of a tree

Fairies bonnets at the base of a tree

Fairiesbonnets are tiny inkcap mushrooms which grow in clusters on wood. These were just above ground level on one of the trees along Tettenhall Road.


Amethyst Deceivers on a lawn

Amethyst Deceivers on a lawn

Amethyst deceivers are small mushrooms which grow in association with coniferous trees.

Amethyst Deceivers on a lawn

When they first emerge, they are brightly coloured with the hue of amethysts (lavenderish semi-precious stones). The deception which their name indicates includes their fading with age, adding to the difficulty in identifying them.

These had only just begun to fade, even though they had been around long enough for something to have eaten almost half the cap of the largest one.


Shaggy inkcaps in fallen leaves

Shaggy inkcaps in fallen leaves

Shaggy inkcaps growing by the side of a pavement. They had avoided being kicked over (so far) because they were almost hidden by the autumn leaf-fall.


Yellow spindle coral fungus

Yellow spindle coral fungus

Yellow spindle coral fungus grows as bunches of yellow fingers, less than a centimetre high.

Despite its strong colour, it is sometimes hard to spot, even in short grass.

Yellow spindle coral fungus


Web on an umbellifer seed-head

Web on an umbellifer seed-head

Spider’s web using the top of an umbellifer as the scaffolding. The tiny drops of water from the early morning dew help to make the strands of the web stand out.