Starting to flower

Starting to flower

A daffodil by the Penk at Perton yesterday – one of the first ones I’ve seen that have fully opened this spring.

Budding daffodil after rain

Budding daffodil after rain

Daffodils are having a long pause with flower buds not yet open because of the cold weather this year. This one was in a front garden after overnight rain.

Fowlers Park pool, almost frozen over

Fowlers Park pool

The pool at Fowler’s Park earlier this week, when it was almost frozen over.

Fowlers Park pool

The area is surprisingly litter-free for such an urban space. There was one cola bottle floating in the pool in the upper picture, now erased digitally.

Starling on a thorny twig

Starling on a briar

A starling on a vantage point well-protected by thorns.

Starling on a briar

The bright sunlight brought out the speckling and iridescence in the bird’s plumage.

Starling on a briar

At Fibbersley LNR

At Fibbersley LNR

Fibbbersley is one of Walsall’s Local Nature Reserves. It is in Willenhall, near the border with Wolverhampton, and one of the many Black Country LNRs where nature has reclaimed a one-time site of mining, quarrying or industry.

Elderly razor strop fungus

Elderly razor strop fungus

Razor strop fungus, also known as birch polypores, can last for up to a year, almost always on birch trees.

Elderly razor strop fungus

This one had been around for some time.

More scarlet elf cups

Scarlet elf cap in moss

A scarlet elf cup fungus growing on timber near the canal at Newbridge. The timber had been on the ground long enough to be supporting a healthy growth of moss.

Scarlet elf caps

These were growing on another pile of timber by the nearby Smestow Valley Ranger Station – pictures of others from this patch in a previous post here.

Today’s pictures were taken in mid-February.