
Demanding coot chick, West Park

Demanding coot chick, West Park

The coots with chicks I have noticed locally this year seem to have small broods: one or at most two. Here is one of the several lone chicks on the lake at West Park, well grown enough to be able to feed itself, but still insistently demanding food from a parent.


Common blue butterfly on cranesbill

Common blue butterfly on cranesbill

Common blue butterfly which kept on landing on cranesbills growing by the canal towpath near the water bridge recently.


Canalside crozier: fern opening

Canalside crozier: fern opening

Fern growing by the bank of the canal. Just beginning to open, and looking like a natural version of a bishop’s staff of office.


Hay fever time – grass pollen, Barley Field

Hay fever time - grass pollen, Barley Field

Why this time of year is a trial for hay fever sufferers. Different species of grass, all heavy with pollen. These were in the Barley Field recently.


Prospecting dry ground, robin

Prospecting dry ground, robin

After a spell of dry weather recently, a robin desperately probing the hard ground in search of something to eat. Possibly the determination of the search was because th bird had chicks needing feeding.

Prospecting dry ground, robin


Upstanding, conifer flowers

Upstanding, conifer flowers

Flowers on the ends of the twigs of different conifers. On one tree the upstanding male flowers are surrounded by a cluster of female flowers, which have a shape already anticipating the cones they are become when fertilised.