Oak buds and knobbly galls

Oak buds and knobbly galls

A cluster of knobbly galls at the end of this twig on one of the oak trees in the wood at Northycote Farm, with the buds showing signs of beginning to open lower on the twig.

Beech bud, Northycote

Beech bud

Bud on one of the beech trees in the wood at Northycote Farm. There had been little development since buds on the same tree had been pictured seven weeks earlier, thanks to the wintry spring/

Tits on bird feeders, Northycote

Blue tit on a bird feeder, Northycote

The birds using the feeders at Northycote Farm aren’t disturbed much by the people visiting the site.

Blue tit on a bird feeder, Northycote

These tits were having their fill on the fat balls and peanuts on a weekend over the recent school holidays.

Tits on a bird feeder, Northycote

Sleeping sow, Northycote

Sleeping sow, Northycote

The Gloucester Old Spot sow taking a more relaxed approach than the boar sharing the same pen (previous post).

Dog’s mercury flowering

Dog's mercury flowering

Dog’s mercury flowering in the undergrowth in Northycote Farm wood. The green flowers are another inconspicuous sign that spring might actually be arriving.