Ice houses, Badger Dingle

Ice houses, Badger Dingle

Rooms excavated out of sandstone in Badger Dingle.

Ice houses, Badger Dingle

In the days before refrigerators, servants of the occupants of the big house would pack snow and ice in these deep places in the winter. The rooms were cool enough that the contents would stay all summer available for use as they melted very slowly.

Ice houses, Badger Dingle

Town Pool, Badger

Town Pool, Badger

The theme of today’s posts is Badger – the Shropshire village, not the mammal.

Town Pool, Badger

For starters, a couple of views across the lower pool in the middle of the village to the quaint thatched house by the water’s side.

Tiny piglets, @Northycote

Tiny piglets, Northycote

Highlight of a visit yesterday to Northycote Farm was a Gloucester Old Spot sow and her litter of piglets which I thought looked less than a day old.

Tiny piglets, Northycote

Eat, sleep, grow.

Tiny piglets, Northycote

Other subjects, including lambs and an older litter of piglets of the same species, to follow when I get around to posting them.

Tiny piglets, Northycote

Tiny piglets, Northycote

Tiny piglets, Northycote

Tiny piglets, Northycote

Tiny piglets, Northycote

Tiny piglets, Northycote

Tiny piglets, Northycote

Tiny piglets, Northycote

Bluebells at last

Bluebell flower

The long cold spell delayed all the spring flowers, but bluebells are now here

Bluebell flowers

These were in the woodland margin of Barley Field.

Wood anemones, Northycote Farm and Wightwick Manor

Wood anemones, Northycote Farm

Wood anemones seem to have thrived this year, once spring weather finally arrived. The ones by Berry Brook on Northycote Farm (above) were so abundant I guess they are genuinely wild.

Wood anemones, Wightwick Manor

In Wightwick Manor gardens they are concentrated in the edge of the woodland nearest the house, suggesting they have been planted.

Wood anemones, Wightwick Manor

Jackdaw gathering nesting material

Jackdaw gathering nesting material

Jackdaw out so early on May Day morning that there was still a frost. It was taking leaves from a pile gathered for composting, and using them for its nest.

Ribes beginning to flower

Ribes beginning to flower

Garden bush – this one in the detached part of Wightwick Manor’s garden which is accessed by the wooden footbridge across Wightwick Bank.