Coltsfoot seed heads ripening 30 May 2013 by DavidRemains of the flowers were still clinging to the ripening seed heads of some of these coltsfoots.
Swallows, Northycote 29 May 2013 by DavidRecently-arrived swallows at Northycote Farm.They were resting on the telegraph wires which cross the farmyard, and occasionally heading off to hunt insects.
Ash flowers opening 29 May 2013 by DavidFlowers beginning to open on an ash tree. There are leaf buds on the ends of the twigs.
Scrounging jackdaw series 28 May 2013 by DavidJackdaw on a thorough search for food on the ground under the bird feeders at Northycote Farm.It had its eye on me as it looked for things to eat.
Horsetails before opening 27 May 2013 by DavidHorsetails, evolutionarily early non-flowering plants. I could never work out whether it was this or the later phase which is meant to resemble a horse’s tail
Tortoiseshell eating from a blackthorn flower 26 May 2013 by DavidTortoiseshell butterfly getting nectar from a flower on one of the blackthorn bushes on the edge of Barley Field.
Cherry blossom, East Park 26 May 2013 by DavidSome of the cherry blossoms from East Park.From trees around the bandstand.
Wild arums beginning to flower 25 May 2013 by DavidWild arum (“Lords and Ladies”) flower which has just opened, and another about to open.