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Icy honey fungus

Icy honey fungus

This honey fungus was covered with frost towards the end of January.

Icy honey fungus

It’s a toadstool-shaped fungus which grows in clumps at the base of tree trunks, killing the tree in the process.

Icy honey fungus

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Crocuses, Windmill Lane

The regimented ranks give the clue that these aren’t actually wild.

Crocuses, Windmill Lane

But they are still welcome as another sign that spring may at long last be almost here.

Crocuses, Windmill Lane

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Hazelnut shell

Hazelnut shell

This hazelnut has been opened and eaten by a squirrel. The wood on which it is resting is a bench by the South Staffordshire Railway Walk. It is just about possible to make out the holes left behind by woodworm.