Yellow rattle seeds

Yellow rattle seeds

Drying seed-pods of a yellow rattle. This is the stage in the plant’s life-cycle when it rattles as the seeds are shaken around in the loose pods.

More giant polypores

Giant polypore, Wombourne churchyard

Giant polypore growing at the base of a tree stump in Wombourne churchyard.

Giant polypore, Wombourne churchyard

Another, much darker, on the lawn at Finchfield Library. This one was probably growing from a tree root.

Giant polypore, Finchfield Library

Rugosa rosehip

Rugosa rosehip

Ragusa roses are rose species with particularly large and wide hips. Originally from eastern Asia, they were originally imported as an ornamental garden plant but can also be found growing wild.

Pale damsel flies

Damsel fly

Damsel flies resting on vegetation growing at the edge of the fishing lake at Pool Hall. They are possibly female beautiful demoiselles.

Damsel fly

Duck and duckling, Wetland Lake

Duck and duckling, Wetland Lake

Mother mallard and a single duckling on Compton Park’s new water feature.

Duckling, Wetland Lake

The last traces of the duckling’s downy infant feathers can just be seen behind the wings.

Duck and duckling, Wetland Lake

The mother was no longer there on the following day.

Purple brittlegill

Purple brittlegill

Purple brittlegill, also called the blackish purple russula, among the vegetation on the verge of a country lane.

Purple loosestrifes, Wetland Lake

Purple loosestrifes, Wetland Lake

All, or almost all, the flower-covered stalks of a purple loosestrife. Like the picture in the previous post, this was taken from the footbridge crossing the new Wetland Lake.

Half-grown moorhen feeding by towpath

Half-grown moorhen feeding by towpath

A family of moorhens were happily feeding on the towpath side of the canal opposite the Wildside Activity Centre.

Half-grown moorhen feeding by towpath

The two parents were there, together with two well-grown chicks. But this was the only bird which wasn’t facing directly away from me.

Half-grown moorhen feeding by towpath