Yew berries, Albrighton churchyard

Yew berry, Albrighton churchyard

Yew berries ripening on the same tree in Albrighton churchyard which featured in the previous post.

Yew berry, Albrighton churchyard

Photos taken at the same time, but these berries were on the south-facing side of the tree.



Unripe yew berries half-hidden behind a whitened old spider’s web.

Vantage point

Vantage point

Magpie standing on a set of floodlights, looking out for threats – or victims.

Scarlet hood (possibly)

Scarlet hood (possibly)

Bright red and slimy waxcap growing under the grass in East Park. Waxcaps are a genus of mushrooms which grow less than an inch tall, but often have bright colours.

This one was probably a so-called scarlet hood, though there other, less common, ones with a similar colour.

Cones, East Park

Cones, East Park

Developing cones on a tree in East Park. I think the blue-green needles are also new growth.

Hoverflies mating

Hoverflies mating

Not something I notice very often: a pair of insects mating.

Hoverflies mating

These were hoverflies, specifically sun flies, on a hawthorn leaf in the sun.

Deliquescing inkcap species, West Park

Deliquescing inkcap species, West Park

Inkcaps are a group of mushroom species which shed their spores not through gills or pores, but by their caps deliquescing – disintegrating, as was well under way here.

Tiny snails, Donington

Tiny snails, Donington

Two minute snails near the top of what appeared to be a long, thin cactus by the entrance to Donington church, hard by Albrighton. The lych-gate can be seen, out of focus, in the background.

Russulas by the ring road

Russula by the ring road

Russulas growing in the vegetation patch by the ring road as it passes through a cutting between the bus and railway stations.

Russula by the ring road

Russulas are a genus of mushrooms which often have strongly coloured caps. Several species are pinkish, and I couldn’t get close enough to these to try to identify which they were.

Russula by the ring road

Russula by the ring road