Sweet chestnut, fallen nut

Sweet chestnut, fallen nut

Sweet chestnut with its showing through its spiky outer covering, lying where it fell among the leaf litter in the woods at Northycote Farm.

Lower Pool, Perton

Lower Pool, Perton

The downstream of the two pools the Penk flows through as it heads across the Perton estate.

Candlesnuff fungus, Compton

Candlesnuff fungus, Compton

Candlesnuff fungus, also called stagshorn, is a common fungus found on dead wood including tree stumps from autumn and through to winter.

Candlesnuff fungus, Compton

These were growing at the edge of the Railway Walk as it passed through Compton.

Cluster of puffballs

Cluster of puffballs

Three views of a large cluster of small puffballs which were growing in the churchyard in Donington, Shropshire.

Cluster of puffballs

The church tower is just visible, out of focus, in the first picture.

Cluster of puffballs

Lichen growing on moss

Lichen growing on moss

Lichens grow on many surfaces, as long as they can get enough moisture and the air is clean enough. But I never previously noticed any growing on moss.

Lichen growing on moss

This miniature ecology was on the wall of the churchyard at Penkridge.

Blackening waxcaps, stage one

Blackening waxcap
Waxcaps – tiny mushrooms which are bright yellow when they first appear, and gradually turn black.

Blackening waxcap

These not yet at full height.

Blackening waxcap

Just showing traces of beginning to turn colour.
