Insect resting on a wall. Its antennae were being bent to the right by the breeze.
Giant hogweed (possibly)
Remains of a plant growing on the bank of the Penk at Perton. I couldn’t get close enough to examine it properly. But as it was at least ten feet tall it is a reasonable guess that it was a giant hogweed.
A few yards further down the path I saw a member of another invasive species, a mink. It disappeared back into the bushes much too quickly for me to get a picture.
Butter waxcap, three views
Three views of the same butter waxcap, showing the differences made by small changes in camera angle. All three shots were taken low down, close to the small mushroom, this one level at cap height.
Looking down from slightly above, and up from slightly below the cap.
The mushroom was one of those we were shown on last month’s fungi hunt on Northycote Farm.
Digging deep
Only a few of Gloucester Old Spot piglets born in the spring of 2013 on Northycote Farm can still be seen there.
This one was digging deeply in a muddy area of its enclosure in search of something the last time I visited the farm.