
Heron by river Avon

Closer view of the heron which featured in the previous post. The neck looks too thin to support the head, let alone to swallow the kinds of prey the bird lives on.

Heron by river Avon

Heron by river Avon

Heron by river Avon

It was just downstream of Lucy’s Mill Weir, and seemed aware of but unconcerned by the regular pedestrian traffic on the bankside footpath.

Heron by river Avon

Spider and her prey

Spider, probably a cross spider, wrapping silk around an insect which had been caught in its web.

Spider and her prey

I noticed the spider at work while I was sitting having a quiet drink on the terrace of the Dirty Duck by the river in Stratford on a sunny afternoon recently.

Spider and her prey

It would suit me if all wildlife watching could take place in similar circumstances.

Acers, West Park, 2013

Acer, West Park, 2013

Some of the Japanese acers in West Park, their leaves changing colour.

Acer, West Park, 2013

Whoever planted them seems to have ensured that they are of different species or varieties, so as to give different autumnal colours.

Acer, West Park, 2013

These pictures were all taken on the same morning at the start of the month.

Acer, West Park, 2013

Acer, West Park, 2013

Acer, West Park, 2013

Holly berries

Holly berries

Ripe holly berries on a sunny morning, glistening because they were still wet from overnight rain.

Dogwood, Perton

Dogwood, Perton

Berries growing on one of the dogwood bushes by the larger pool at Perton.

Dogwood, Perton

Yellow stagshorn, Northycote

Yellow stagshorn, Northycote Farm

Yellow stagshorn fungus only grows to a couple of inches tall, but it is usually a bright, almost fluorescent, yellow – though the colour can range from orange to almost white.

Yellow stagshorn, Northycote Farm

This was one of several clumps growing on the ground in the wood at Northycote Farm.



Rose hips on one of the bushes on the margin of the Barley Field.