
Pause for reflection (black-headed gull, West Park)

Pause for reflection (black-headed gull, West Park)

Black-headed gull taking a pause floating on the boating lake at West Park, and its reflection in the dark water.


Tiny, lilac-coloured mushroom in mossy lawn

Tiny, lilac-coloured mushroom in mossy lawn

Lone tiny mushroom, possibly a blewitt, cap an unusual lilac or violet colour. It was growing on a mossy front lawn.


Tiny earthballs, West Park

Tiny earthball, West Park

Earthball fungi growing in bare earth inone of the shrubbery beds in West Park. Tiny – the largest one perhaps the size of a malteser.

Tiny earthballs, West Park


Tiny crab apples, Compton Rough

Tiny crab apples, Compton Rough

Bright red crab apples growing on a tree behind Compton Lock, perhaps half the usual size for crab apples.


I can’t see you (herons, West Park)

I can't see you (herons, West Park)

In the breeding season, herons head for the heronry they belong too. Outside that time, each of they heads off to make its separate way. But sometimes two or more of them end up as near neighbours.

When that happens, they seem to act like they are totally unaware they are not alone. These were two herons on West Park’s boating lake island recently, yards apart but never looking at the other.


Modern haymaking, Berkswell

Modern haymaking, Berkswell

I didn’t get up close to inspect, but I think the bales, left for at least some days in a field by Berkswell, were of hay rather than the silage which is more usual these days.