Frost: sycamore leaf on grass

Frost: sycamore leaf on grass

Half in early morning sunlight, half in shade, a fallen sycamore leaf on the short grass of a football field on a frosty morning.

Magpie, iridescence

Magpie, iridescence

Magpie on the ground. The light catching its wing and chest giving the feathers an iridescent pale blue colour.

Ducks on a flooded field

Ducks on a flooded field

Mallards swimming in deep water in what is normally a riverside field. The birds can be seen in the distance in the pictures in the previous post.

Flooding, River Blythe, Packhorse Bridge LNR

Flooding, River Blythe, Packhorse Bridge LNR

The River Blythe at the Packhorse Bridge Local Nature Reserve, Hampton in Arden, normally a narrow, rather gentle stream. These pictures, taken from the historic packhorse bridge a few days ago, show the effect of the recent heavy rains.

Flooding, River Blythe, Packhorse Bridge LNR

The tree stump and the line of fence posts mark the top of the normal left bank of the river and the edge of the bordering field. That field was almost completely covered to some depth with water, which seemed to extend back towards a nearby lake. The river was flowing not just under the bridge, but altogether perhaps three times its normal width under the causeway leading to the bridge.

Scratching round for food

A good scratch

One of the West Park squirrels taking time out to deal with an itch before looking whether I had any peanuts on offer.

Looking up

Frosted stump

Frosted stump

This winter’s rain and winds mean there have been very few frosty mornings. When it happens, frost on sunlit morning adds a finishing touch to the appearance of the vegetation of winter.

The growth rings, unevenness of the bark, and especially the grooves left by the saw have provided sites where the crystallisation of the frost has been focussed on this tree stump.



For many years, there used to be a pair of exotic Muscovy ducks at West Park. More recently, it seems down to one, which still looks impressive.


Like the turkey, the bird has a misleading name. This species, too, originated in the Western hemisphere.