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Shaggy inkcaps, Finchfield

Shaggy inkcap

Shaggy inkcaps growing in short grass by the roadside at Finchfield.

Shaggy inkcaps

Some were pure white,  having freshly emerged.

Shaggy inkcap

Others had begun to “deliquesce” – turning black as they disintegrated from the rim of the cap.

Shaggy inkcaps

The “shagginess” of this particular set of inkcaps is an appearance of fibrousness in the cap. Contrast that with this recent picture
of other mushrooms of the same species,

Shaggy inkcap

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Patch of candle snuff fungus

Patch of candle snuff fungus

Candle snuff fungus forms clumps or patches of small growths which look a little like the wicks of part-used candles.

Patch of candle snuff fungus

This year, the conditions seem to have been particularly good for candle snuff fungus; there’s lots of it about.

This patch was in Hawthorn Wood recently.

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Little grebe returned for the winter

Little grebe

Little grebes return to the canal near Compton to make their winter quarters every year. They prefer to stay near the bank opposite the tow path.

Little grebe

The frequently dive and completely submerge themselves on the hunt for small fish. This one wasn’t fishing, but drinking the water it was swimming in.

Little grebe