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Common darters on railing and decking by Wetland Pool

Common darter on decking by Wetland Pool

In mid-August several common darters had divided the water of Wetland Pool into their territories. many of them seemed to prefer resting or displaying on the wood of the footbridge railings or the planks of the waterside decking when they weren’t flying patrolling their territories.

There are at least four, possibly five, individuals here, all pictured within a few minutes. There were at least as many in the air. As far as I could see, all were male.

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On a pole

On a pole

A common darter dragonfly rests on a wooden pole which vandals have thrown into the water of Wetland Pool in Compton Park.

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Young swan growing up

Young swan growing up

The lone cygnet raised by the swan pair on West Park pool, now big enough to be independent. The shots with the somewhat smaller bird and the pen (female adult) were taken exactly one month before, when the parents were still very protective.

Earlier the parents had been even more protective.

The cygnet is now swimming alone or with the Canada geese, and there are no signs of the adult birds.

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Arrowhead leaves

Arrowhead leaf

Arrowhead leaf is a perrenial plant which grows in shallow waters, including in canals locally. It was originally native to north and central America.

Either I am noticing it more often, or it is spreading in the canals.

Arrowhead leaf