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Fatsia coming into flower

Fatsia coming into flower

Another of the exotic shrubs planted in West Park so that something will be in flower at pretty much any time of the year. Fatsias originally came from Japan, and have fowers which start to open in the autumn.

Fatsia coming into flower

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Autumn colours: robin’s pincushion gall

Autumn colours: robin's pincushion gall

The delicate colours and elaborate structure of a robin’s pincushion is a gall, the rose bedeguar gall or moss gall. It is caused by a species of wasp which lays its eggs in wild roses.

The robin in the name is not the bird, but the woodland sprite Robin Goodfellow.

Autumn colours: robin's pincushion gall

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Keep on pushing through

Keep on pushing through

Clump of mushrooms, probably glistening inkcaps, forcing their way through the tarmac of a pavement.

This is the fourth successive autumn the fungi have emerged from the originally newly-laid surface, enlarging their escape hole every year as they do so.

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Red leaves, yellow fungus

Red leaves, yellow fungus

The red of fallen leaves from the tree in the the previous post contrast with the yellow of the honey fungus growing from the base of the tree.

Sadly, this is likely to mean the tree’s days are numbered, with white rot killing off its roots.

CORRECTION: fungus identified by Lukas Large as spectacular rustgills