
Reflections of op art

Reflections of op art

Reflection of a corrugated steel building on the oppsite bank of the 21 locks section of the canal. A gentle breeze was creating slight currents in the water, making small distortions in the reflection, so that it resembled an op art picture.

Reflections of op art


Dew-soaked dandelion clocks

Dew-soaked dandelion clocks

Dandelion seed heads, thoroughly soaked by autumn dew.

Dew-soaked dandelion clocks


Grey wagtail on cobbles and a barrier

Grey wagtail on a barrier

Grey wagtail searching for food on cobbles under the canal bridge at Broad Street Basin, until a boat came along. It then crossed the water and landed on the barrier cutting off access to the side arm, where it also seemed to be finding tasty nibbles.


Autumn colour starting: oak leaf

Autumn colour starting: oak leaf

An oak leaf just starting to make the autumn colour change from green to yellows and browns; the process beginning at spots where the leaf has been damaged.


Autumn colours: Bantock Park leaves

Autumn leaf: Bantock acer

Sunlight catches one leaf of a Japanese acer by Bantock House when the rest of the tree was in shadow.

The patch of trees seen across the Pitch and Putt course show a more restrained palette of early autumn leaf colours.

Autumn leaves: Bantock Park


Heading off for Mexico

Heading off for Mexico

At this time of year, the morning flights of skeins of Canada geese from West Park get bigger and noisier. The birds set off as if on their long ancestral autumn migration from Canada to Mexico, before they remember how cushy their life is on the boating lake.

A few of these birds are smaller and paler than the others. They are crosses: one parent was a Canada, the other most likely a domesticated goose. The lead bird in the main picture is a greylag!


Brown velvet: bullrush seed head

Brown velvet: bullrush seed head

Abbreviated seed-cases on a bullrush, showing the velvet texture of the brown covering of the structure.


Candlesnuff close-ups

Candlesnuff close-up

Candlesnuff fungus (also know as stagshorn fungus) grows as groups of fruiting bodies, up to a couple of inches tall, on dead hardwood – sometimes it seems to be growing directly out of the ground, a sign that there is burried wood present.

It looks a bit like the wicks of unlit, part-used candles, and, on closer examination, branches in a way vaguely reminiscent of antlers.

It is common. While it can be found at any time of year, it is most visible in the autumn and winter.


Carrion crow on a bare twig

Carrion crow on a bare twig

Carrion crow perching on a twing of a tree directly overlooking the water bridge, so unconcerned it almost looked like it was posing to have its picture taken.


Veined wings: common darter dragonfly

Veined wings: common darter dragonfly

Common darter dragonfly in one of their favoured positions on the handrail of the footbridge across the pool in Compton Park. I was able to get close enough for a picture showing the complex patterning of the veins in the insects’s wings.


Dewy web, spider at centre

Dewy web, spider at centre

Another dewy spider’s web on plants overhaging the canal. The webs featured yesterday were seen on the same morning. In this web, the female cross spider was right in the middle of her domain.

Dewy web, spider at centre


Red, green: fresh fly agarics

Red, green: fresh fly agarics

More recently-emerged fly agaric mushrooms at Bantock Park. Growing in the same area as the ones featured yesterday. These had not yet forced themselves all the way through the grass. But they had, unusually, already lost all the white “warts” which normally scatter over the caps.