
Ironbridge gorge: autumn

Wild flowers still flowering, Ironbridge, autumn

Looking across the Severn at the Ironbridge gorge, where the trees were just beginning to change to autumn colours.


Calm: boat moored

Calm: boat moored

A narrowboat in traditional colours moored just upstream of Wightwick Mill lock, with the array of pot plants juxtaposed to the woodland of the former quarry in the background. The smoke from the boat’s stove is rising straight up: the day was all but dead calm.


Autumn colours: beech tree, Bantock Park

Autumn colours: beech tree, Bantock Park

Views of a majestic mature beech tree by Bantock House as the leaves turned to autumn colours. Pictures taken in the space of a few minutes of each other, with the tree taking on differing appearances depending on the direction it was seen from.


Grass seed-head, frosted

Grass seed-head, frosted

A wild grass which hadn’t got around to shedding its seed, so that it got decorated by the first frost of the season.


Upper Forge Pool, Coalbrookdale, autumn

Upper Forge Pool, Coalbrookdale, autumn

Just across the road from the Museum of Iron in Coalbrookdale is Upper Forge Pool. The pool is the first of many which were formed by damming the brook running down the valley to provide reliable power for the manufacturing processes in this cradle of the industrial revolution.

Despite the crowds at the museum, the pool is tranquil. The paths round its shores are well used, but I’ve never seen anyone else there on my occasional visits. Bullrushes grow tall by the water’s edge, and a small flock of mallards swim around the pond.


Autumn skies, flying geese

Swans on a lake, sunny morning

Sequence of shots of a series of Canada geese skeins which had come from the far side of Tettenhall ridge. From the direction they were flying, they were probably all heading for West Park.


Emerging: spindle tree fruit

Emerging: spindle tree fruit

Spindle tree fruit (pink) ripening and splitting to show the orange seeds within. The paler fruit were on a tree in the hedge by the Railway Walk at Newbridge, the others on a tree in a hedge at Northycote Farm.


Do you really want to eat that?

Keeping half an eye out

Hereford bull looking on sceptically while a heifer seems to be nibbling away at a thistle. More of the animals over the fence at Northycote Farm.


Iridescence: young magpie on a wall

Iridescence: young magpie on a wall

A young magpie standing on a wall at the back of Bantock House, close enough to display some of the iridescent blues and greens in its wing and tail feathers.


Vivid red: Japanese acer, Bantock Park

Vivid red: Japanese acer, Bantock Park

Japanese acer bush in Bantock Park, with leaves which have turned a very vivid red for autumn, setting up a contrast with the green of the surrounding conifers.


Gathering on a fallen branch

Gathering on a fallen branch

Black-headed gulls flying in to join those already standing on a fallen branch in the River Severn at Bridgnorth.


Aerial perspective Wrekin view

Aerial perspective Wrekin view

Distant view of the Wrekin from a footpath near the Staffordshire / Shropshire border. With marked aerial perspective, where distant things look pale and blueish.