
Spiderswebs with delicate array of dew drops

Spider's web with delicate array of dew drops

Spiderswebs with fine drops of dew, which had condensed from the mist of the same morning as in the previous post.

Spider's web with delicate array of dew drops


Japanese acers, misty autumn morning

Japanese acer, misty autumn morning

A last view of a couple of the West Park Japanese acersautumn display before wind and rain brought down most of their leaves. The pictures were taken on a very misty morning at the start of the month.


Yew berries, tiny dew droplets

Yew berry, tiny dew droplets

Tiny droplets of moisture from early morning dew on these yew berries and leaves, and the threads of spider silk anchored to the leaves.

Yew berry, tiny dew droplets


Oyster fungus growing on tree stump

Oyster fungus growing on tree stump

Oyster fungus – the same species of mushroom found on some supermarket shelves – growing on the stump of a tree which was felled some years ago.

One day after these pictures were taken, someone had kicked these fungi into a pulp.


Boating lake, misty autumn morning

Boating lake, misty autumn morning

The West Park boating lake on a misty morning at the start of the month.

When I went around dawn, the water was covered in ducks, geese and swans. An hour or so later, the birds all seemed to have gone.

Boating lake, misty autumn morning


Carrion crow snacking on acorns

Carrion crow snacking on acorns

Carrion crow eating something at the edge of a puddle on a grassy area in West Park. Perhaps one of the acorns it then went searching out in the grass and eating.


Wild flowers still flowering, Ironbridge, autumn

Wild flowers still flowering, Ironbridge, autumn

Sown bed of wildflowers overlooking the bridge at Ironbridge, with lots of flowers still showing at the end of October. On the well-wooded south bank of the river, the leaves turning to autumn colours.


Textures: fallen tree in autumn

Textures: fallen tree in autumn

Deeply grooved felled tree trunk and the remaining stump, surrounded by the leaves which had fallen from other nearby trees.


Quizzical young moorhen

Quizzical young moorhen

Young moorhen on the shore of the West Park lake, staring at me with a puzzled expression as I took a quick snap of it.


Nettle, overnight frost melting

Nettle, overnight frost melting

The frost had disappeared some time ago from everything else when I took this picture. But this nettle must have spent the morning in deep shadow, with the sun recently arriving to begin to melt the powdery ice.


Pied wagtails at river’s edge

Pied wagtail at river's edge

Pied wagtails with hunting grounds in the shallows and shoreline at the downstream end of the Bylet in the Severn at Bridgnorth.


Bullrush tangle

Bullrush tangle

Bullrush (reedmace) seed heads, clumped closely together.