
Felled ash with heart rot

Felled ash with heart rot

Mature ash tree by Compton Lock, felled because of heart rot, with a view of the fungus fruiting body inside the tree trunk.

Felled ash with heart rot


Bullrushes, frost tipped

Bullrush, frost tipped

Closer view of the bullrushes which can be seen growing on the pond in the previous post. The frost had left a cap of ice on the seed heads of the plants.

Bullrushes, frost tipped


Wetland Pool, lightly frozen, sunny morning

Wetland Pool, lightly frozen, sunny morning

Compton Park pool, early in the first cold snap this winter. Most of the water was covered in a thin layer of ice, though there was a clear patch near the inlet to the pool. It all looked surprisingly rural in the early morning sunlight.

Wetland Pool, lightly frozen, sunny morning


Birdfeeder: long tailed tits eating fat balls

Birdfeeder: long tailed tits eating fat balls

Couple of long tailed tits enthusiastically making a meal of fat balls in a garden bird feeder.


Bunch of ash keys on a frosty morning

Bunch of ash keys on a frosty morning

Frost decorating a bunch of ash keys on a cold but sunny morning. I was able to take the picture from above: the keys were on a tree which had been felled because of heart rot.


Birdfeeder: bluetit eating peanuts

Birdfeeder: bluetit eating peanuts

Bluetit busily eating peanuts on a bird feeder.

The protective cage around the feeder makes it harder to see (and photograph) the birds. But it does mean they get the nuts, not squirrels.


Half-hidden in undergrowth: beaked earth star

Half-hidden in undergrowth: beaked earth star

Beaked earth star half-hidden in the sparse winter undergrowth under a hedge at Castlecroft.

I’ve seen this rare fungus at the same spot before, but not for three years, although I’m there quite often.

Half-hidden in undergrowth: beaked earth star


Memories of summer: crane fly on oak leaves

Memories of summer: crane fly on oak leaf

Crane fly (daddy long legs) resting on the leaves of an oak tree. Don’t expect to see until summer comes back.


Spreading along a branch: ear fungus

Spreading along a branch: ear fungus

Large numbers of fruiting bodies of ear fungus. They were growing along the branches of an elder tree, their preferred host, on the edge of Compton Rough.

The particular branch these were on was just above my head level.


Reminder of summer: swan and cygnet, West Park

Cygnet, West Park

As I’m preparing this post, the first real cold spell of winter has set in. Yet still the rain seems interminable. Depressing, even for those of us not living in parts of the country devastated by floods caused by excessive rain and human mismanagement.

So here are a few pictures of a cute fluffy chick. This cygnet was one of a brood raised by swans on West Park lake a couple of years ago.


Amber jelly roll fungus on a twig

Amber jelly roll fungus on a twig

Amber jelly roll fungus, or possibly one of several other very similar looking jelly fungus species, was growing on the same twig in Compton Rough as some golden jelly fungus.


Goose cross with distinctive facial marking

Goose cross with distinctive facial marking

One of the geese currently living on West Park lake, probably a Canada goose / Chinese goose cross. The bird has a distinctive line of white feathers outlining its bill.