
Autumn fungi: bracket fungi on a tree trunk

Autumn fungi: bracket fungi on a tree trunk

A tree trunk growing well off from the vertical, and all along it, the fruiting bodies of a bracket fungus. The views from below show the pores (not gills) where the spores come out.


Kingfisher (stained glass), Coventry

Kingfisher (stained glass), Coventry

Nice portrayal of a watchful kingfisher, stained glass in the doorway of a steak bar in Coventry.


Autumn fungi: blewits, Coventry

Autumn fungi: blewit, Coventry

More mushrooms from the Upper Precinct shopping centre, Coventry. These were blewits, perhaps field blewits.


New nature wall paintings, Coventry

New nature wall paintings, Coventry

Painted walls just off Coventry’s historic Spon Street. Creatures of the imagination. The rosy bird of prey is one of the first sights greeting anyone stepping out of one of the city’s ‘Spoons.

New nature wall paintings, Coventry

Autumn fungi: verdigris mushrooms, shopping centre, Coventry

Autumn fungi: verdigris mushrooms, shopping centre, Coventry

More mushrooms growing on the wood chip mulch in the Upper Precinct shopping centre, Coventry. These were verdigris mushrooms, half-hidden under the vegetation. The distinctive green colour of their caps is easily washed off by rain, but traces remained on some of them.




Dippy the dinosaur is usually homed at the Natural History Museum in London. For the next few years it’s on tour; currently in the Herbert Museum and Art Gallery in Coventry, and very impressive too.


Autumn fungi: redlead roundheads in a shopping centre

Autumn fungi: redlead roundheads in a shopping centre

The Upper Precinct shopping centre, Coventry. Along the middle of the sloping walkway, a series of beds with shrubs and, on the wood chip mulch under the shrubs, a thriving ecology of fungi.

We counted five different species of mushrooms. The most striking, and the most easily identified were readlead roundheads. They are a species originally from Australia, first recorded in Britain in the 1960s, probably carried on imported timber. Now quite common but still most likely to be found on municipal wood chip mulch.


Autumn colour: reds, acer on a quiet road

Autumn colour: reds, acer on a quiet road

A front garden Japanese acer on a quiet residential street had leaves which had turned vivid reds for autumn before the autumn winds brought most of them down.


Autumn fungi: tiny fungi on a mossy trunk

Autumn fungi: tiny fungi on a mossy trunk

Tiny mushrooms on a patch of thick moss at the base of one of the lime trees along the Compton Road. The pattern recognition on iNaturalist IDs them, as Mycena pseudocorticola.


Autumn colour: acers in a front garden

Autumn colour: acers in a front garden

Two Japanese acers in a front garden, with leaves which had turned contrasting reddish colours for autumn, spotted before the wind began to denude the trees.


Autumn fungi: the blusher

Autumn fungi: the blusher

The dark red colour of this mushroom shows how the blusher got its common name. Usually found with a cap which is much plaer.


Young rat scuttling by, West Park

Young rat scuttling by, West Park

I was standing at the edge of West Park lake, watching the waterfowl. A young rat appeared from the undergrowth to mu right, scurried along the bank inches from my feet, and dived into the next patch of undergrowth by my left.