
Calm: River Teme at Dinham

Calm: River Teme at Dinham

Views over the River Teme at Dinham. Featuring Ludlow Castle, Dinham Bridge and a lone fisherman.


Greens: iris seeds

Greens: iris seeds

Unripe iris seeds, on one of the plants growing just outside the main entrance to Bantock House.


Greens: River Teme drake

Greens: River Teme drake

Drake with green plumage – some kind of mallard cross. Hangs out with the mallards which congregate near the Horseshoe Weir on the River Teme at Ludlow.


Wild St John’s wort, flowers

Wild St John's wort

St John’s wort: the cultivated plant (sometimes grown as a garden hedge) is bushier and with larger flowers. These flowers were on one of the wild plants growing on the lower slopes of Toposcope Hill, Baggeridge Country Park.


Thistle growing on a bridge

Thistle growing on a bridge

Flower and buds of a thistle growing on the parapet of Dinham Bridge over the River Teme at Ludlow. The river can be seen, out of focus, in the background.


Chicken of the woods, Himley, revisited

Chicken of the woods, Himley, revisited

The pictures of the chicken in the wood fungus in the previous post were taken three weeks ago.

This morning I went back to Himley Plantation. The fungus was still on the tree, somewhat battered, and somewhat larger. Some of the growth on the outer edges of the brackets looked fresh enough to have been the product of the last few hours.