
Chinese pagoda primrose, seeds ripening

Chinese pagoda primrose, seeds ripening

Some of the Chinese pagoda primroses in the Sensory Garden at Northycote Farm,the seeds now starting to ripen. One of the same plants earlier, when it was flowering, here.

Chinese pagoda primrose, seeds ripening


Yellows: hoverfly on sow thistle flower

Yellows: hoverfly on sow thistle flower

Yellow and black pattern of a hoverfly feeding on the yellow flower of a sow thistle.

Yellows: hoverfly on sow thistle flower


Wild raspberries, ripening

Wild raspberry, ripening

Wild raspberries, with a lot less drupelets than cultivated varieties, but still looking as tempting as they ripened.


Essex skipper, thistle flowers

Essex skipper, thistle flowers

An Esssex skipper butterfly feeding on flowers in the same thistle patch as the small skippers featured earlier today.

The two species can be told apart by the colour of the ends of their antennae. Essex skippers have a black tip, small skippers a duller red/brown one.

Essex skippers were once limited pretty much to East Anglia as the extreme of their European distribution. In more recent years they have been spreading through the English south and midlands, and into Wales.

Essex skipper, thistle flowers


Small skippers, thistle flowers

Small skipper, thistle flower

Small skippers feeding on the nectar of thistle flowers. What long tongues for such little butterflies!


Dyer’s rocket flowers reaching upwards

Dyer's rocket flowers reaching upwards

Yellow flowers of dyer’s rocket up the plant’s tall, elegant stem. Now a common weed or wildflower according to taste, the plant was an important source of textile dye until the invention of synthetic alternatives in the Victorian age.