

On the rare occasions moorhens can be clearly seen on dry land, their feet look disproportionately large.

Parrot waxcap

Parrot waxcap

The subtle greens of these parrot waxcaps here decorated by the frost.

Parrot waxcap

Frozen ivy

Frozen ivy

This late ivy flower was highlighted bu the first frost at the start of the month.



Some four or five male shovellers, and one female, seem to have taken up residence on the lake at West Park.

They can often be seen in their feeding posture – heads down in the water so they can strain out the plant food they live on.


Strange tree

Strange tree

It is of course a mobile phone mast, not very convincingly disguised. Click the picture or its caption to go to a larger version where a box holding some of the electrics can be seen near the top.

Strange tree

Strange tree

Can you identify this tree? Hint – it is not a Christmas tree.

Picture taken 26th September.

And, for a somewhat clearer view, this picture was taken at the start of this month when most of the other trees had lost their leaves.

Strange tree

Red cracked bolete

Red cracked bolete

Boletes are toadstool fungi which have pores rather than gills at the base of the caps, through which to release their pores.

This common bolete is one of the easiest boletes to recognise. The upper surface of the cap appears to crack, revealing pinkish or reddish flesh below.

Winter detail

Frosty leaves

Frosted leaves, a sycamore key and a tiny web.

But already the new year’s growth is peeping through.