Shrivelled rosehip

Shrivelled rosehip

Even before the present big freeze, most of the berries left were as inedible as this rosehip.

Urban birds are going to be even more dependent than ever on food put out in feeders and on bird tables.

Wood pigeon footprint

Wood pigeon footprint

The current big freeze makes wild animals and birds more desperate in their seach for food.

The snow also means they leave more signs where they have been.

Muscovy duck

Muscovy duck

Not one of the most elegant of duck species. This individual and its mate seemed keen to use a notice board as a look-out post.

Muscovy duck



The white body feathers of these pochards are covered in a series of darker squiggles, called vermiculations to mark their supposed resemblance to worms.



These non-flowering plants are often inconspicuous green patches with small leaves.



The commonest wild duck. Males, as here, are richly coloured.

Butter waxcap

Butter waxcap

When free of frost, this waxcap was bright yellow (see below). Probably the butter waxcap, but several others are also yellow.

Butter waxcap



A bit late for Christmas, but this robin was strutting over the frosty ground yesterday.