

The middle of July, and already these hazelnuts are beginning to ripen.

Thistle flowers


This bumblebee gathering nectar from a thistle flower.


A smaller insect can just be made out on this flower.


Pond skater

Pond skater

These insects can be found walking along on the surface of ponds.

Water lily

Water lily

Water lilies are now fully out, like this one on the pond at Wightwick Manor a couple of weeks back.



The ragged wings of this moth probably show it has been around for a while.

Ash keys

Ash keys

The new season’s keys are beginning to ripen on ash trees.

Speckled wood butterfly

Speckled wood butterfly

Speckled woods like shady gardens, which give a similar environment to their original preferred setting, sunny glades in woodland.

The males settle on a bright sunlit patch and spread their wings to display themselves, to deter other males from intrusion while trying to attract females. White plastic garden furniture can give favourite posing positions.

Speckled wood butterfly

The butterflies are much less conspicuous when they perch with their wings folded together.

Speckled wood butterfly