
Ice patterns on a window pane

Ice patterns

Patterns formed after the coldest night of the hard spell.

Ice patterns


Moorhen on a partially frozen canal

Moorhen on a partially frozen canal

Moorhen standing on the ice of a frozen section of the Staffs and Worcs canal.


Candle snuff fungi

Candle snuff fungi

This tiny fungus grows on rotting wood – often on tree stumps, as here. It is named for its supposed resemblance to the wick of a candle which has been snuffed out.

Candle snuff fungi


Canal pictures

Rubbish Incinerator

An experiment in black and white. Pictures taken by the (mostly) frozen Birmingham canal as it drops from the Black Country plateau towards Aldersley Junction. Above is the rubbish incineration plant.

Broad Street Basin

Next is Broad Street basin from Broad Street. Below is the railway viaduct across the canal and Stafford Road.

Frozen canal


Heron on a rooftop

Heron on a rooftop

The house whose roof is pictured is on a normally fairly busy minor road. Wood pigeons and magpies are normally the dominant birds perched on roofs. But this was mid-morning on New Year’s Day, and very few motorists were about yet.



Frosted web

These spiders’ webs were anchored in the seemingly dead stems of an ivy a few days ago. They were showing their form clearly because of the hoar frost which had formed on them.

Frosted web


Staffs and Worcs canal near Castlecroft bridge

Staffs and Worcs canal near Castlecroft bridge

A view on a calm and overcast New Year’s Day.


Water birds in winter


The swan above is one of a pair which spent the cold spell near the Windmill Lane bridge on the Staffs and Worcs canal, and had what was obviously a frequently met expectation of being fed.

Gulls on a boating lake

The birds in the other pictures were on the boating lake at West Park, which stayed partially frozen even in the temporary thaw around the new year.

Swan - West Park

Birds on a frozen lake


Kingfisher in a bed of reeds

Kingfisher in a bed of reeds

A hand-held camera zoomed in as closely as possible in poor light conditions means there is some camera shake even though the bird is still just a splash of colour in the centre of the picture. But even on an overcast New Year’s Day the vivid colours were unmistakable.

Kingfisher in a bed of reeds


Heron observing a speed limit

A heron observes the speed limit

More on the heron whose patch is around Compton bridge. This time it was fishing from the private mooring which can be seen from the pavement on the bridge (this picture, however, was taken from the towpath).

A heron observes the speed limit