
Essex Bridge, Shugborough

Essex Bridge, Shugborough

Essex Bridge is a medieval packhorse bridge which crosses the river Trent immediately downstream from its confluence with the river Sow.

Essex Bridge, Shugborough

It is reputedly the longest surviving packhorse bridge in England.

Essex Bridge, Shugborough

There are now 14 arches in the bridge, which originally had 40.

Essex Bridge, Shugborough

The bridge connects Great Haywood with Shugborough Park.

Essex Bridge, Shugborough




This hole in a sandy bank was originally dug by badgers as part of a sett.

In 2010 it was taken over by foxes, which used it to raise cubs.

Now there are signs that more work is being done on it – fresh sand on the pile downslope of the hole. Could be foxes, or perhaps the badgers have reclaimed it.

Notice the plastic wrapping being dragged into the hole: perhaps for use as bedding material.


Marsh marigold

Marsh marigold

A.k.a. kingcup, grows only on damp ground.


First bluebells

Early bluebells

The first bluebells are starting to come out. I spotted these early yesterday morning.


Horse chestnut budding

Horse chestnut budding

The sticky buds of the horse chestnut are unmistakable.

The large buds on the end of the branch are flowers. The compact bud further back, by the scar of attachment of last year’s leaf, will develop into a leaf.


Pulmonaria flowering

Pulmonaria flowering

Delicate blue lungwort flowers. The name lungwort comes from the markings on the leaves, which were thought to symbolise infected lungs. The plants were used as a herbal “cure” for respiratory problems.


Lichens in local churchyards

Lichen on stone: Bradley

Former marker stone (?) now used as base of lamppost, Bradley, near Stafford.

Lichen on stone: Bradley

LIchen on gravestone: Claverley

At the back of Claverley church.

LIchen on gravestone: Claverley

Lichen on gravestone: Bradley

Lichen on stone: Claverley

Lichen on gravestone: Worfield

Lichen on gravestone: Worfield

Lichen on gravestone: Worfield

Lichen on gravestone: Bushbury

Lichen on gravestone: Bushbury


Canal junction – Great Haywood

Canal junction - Great Haywood

This is the junction of the Staffs & Worcs canal with the Trent and Mersey Canal. A little further north and east the river Sow joins the river Trent. A little further yet, the Trent and Mersey canal also joins the river Trent.


Canal junction – Walsall canal

Canal junction - Walsall canal

Junction between the main line of the Walsall canal and the town arm, which bears off towards the right of the picture for its short stretch to the basin which now provides the setting for Walsall Art Gallery.


Lichens on tree trunk

Lichens on tree trunk

Two different lichens growing on the bark of a mature tree in Wightwick Manor gardens.